List of penny stocks for trading

Investing in penny stocks or better known as small caps should be a good place to start with trading. Requiring very little capital you can leverage for really good returns.

Many people ask; what is the deal with penny stocks? Penny stocks are called pennies for a reason they cost next to nothing to buy usually anything under a dollar is called a penny stock. In a nutshell anything trading for pennies is a penny stock. Other people define this in a different way, but it does not matter really how you define it, you just want to make money with it.

You will be hard pressed to find the ability to earn higher returns then you can trading penny stocks with a good list of penny stocks for trading.

One thing to definitely keep in mind trading pennies is to never risk more than you can lose, and learning the ropes in a short period of time will usually put the persistent gamblers mentality out of commission very quick. Trading penny stocks takes a certain mindset, but when done properly can minimize risks, and provide upwards of 1000% returns in short time.

The key is to have a good list of penny stocks to choose from for investment consideration. I use traders picks newsletter service as listed in the link. Thousands of other investors receive these alerts that provide information and analysis on companies that could be market moving events. You can profit by buying low and selling high. It's really that simple. You never buy and hold penny stocks for the long term(years) like you would perhaps some of the blue chips in your retirement account.